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Impact Team Opportunities

A Volunteer Application must be filled out to apply for an opportunity, but please look to see what the opportunities are.
Application Click Here

First Faces Team

Our First Faces team is one of the most important teams since it is the face of Woodland to everyone who attends weekend service.

Opportunities include:​

  • Door Greeters

  • Guest Services

  • Worship Center Greeters

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Middle School/High School Ministry

Leading our Middle and High School Ministry is a rewarding opportunity. We are always looking for individuals that feel called to make a difference in the lives of our students.

Opportunities include:​

  • Small Group Leaders

  •  Various Positions 


Adult Education Instructor

Have you ever felt called to teach? Woodland University is the Adult Education program at WCC. We are always looking for good instructors for our short term (6-8 week) quarterly classes.

Opportunities include:​

  • University Instructor


Barista in Coffee Shop

The Coffee Loft located on Woodland's campus is open during our weekend services and we are always looking for smiling faces to help serve our guests.

Opportunities include:​

  • Barista



9:00 Worship Choir

The Worship Choir is a group of individuals that love to praise the Lord through singing!  High school age and up are welcome to join as we sing each Sunday, augmenting the congregational worship and presenting powerful choir specials that feed the soul and uplift the heart.




Preschool Ministry

We are always looking for loving individuals who have a heart for helping lay a strong foundation of faith for our preschool children. 

Opportunities include:

  • Various Positions




Group Leader

Our Small Group Ministry promotes community, connection and growth. We are always looking for believers that feel moved to lead a small group.

Opportunities include:

  • Small Group Leader





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Section Leaders

Serve on our usher team and help before, during and after weekend services with various duties.

Opportunities include:​​

  • Seating Attendees

  • Door Attendance

  • Post-Service Clean-up

  • ​

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Promotions/ Marketing Team

Our promotions team works to engage with members of Woodland during weekend service times to let them know about events and opportunities. Time is minimal and flexible. Contact us if you are interested.

Opportunities include:​

  • Promotions Team Member


9:00 Praise Band

Our Blended service offers a lively, upbeat service led by our Worship Choir and Praise Band.  This service features a wide range of styles that include modern worship, revived classics, Celtic, urban gospel and country, just to name a few.





Children's Ministry

Our Children's Ministry is our foundation. With an attendance of nearly 150 children per weekend, we are always seeking adults to help coordinate activities and spend time with our precious children. 

Opportunities include:​

  • Ministry Volunteer


Prison Ministry

Woodland's Prison Ministry works within various prison systems throughout the State of Florida as well as locally in Manatee County. Its primary focus is evangelism as well as transitional assistance.

Opportunities include:​

  • Ministry Volunteer




Food Bank Attendant

Our Food Bank at Woodland services needy families throughout the Bradenton / Lakewood Ranch area. We are always in need of individuals with a serving heart.

Opportunities include:​

  • Ministry Volunteer



Bulletin Team

Our Bulletin Team works dilligently to make sure our church bulletins are stuffed with liner notes and inserts for every service weekend. Every Thursday our team gets together for a few hours to get the job done. Come join us!

Opportunities include:​

  • Bulletin Team Member


10:55 Modern Band

Our modern service offers an energetic and revitalizing time of worship with a message that connects with people's lives. Experience an uplifting service through the use of multimedia, engaging lighting and contemporary worship songs lead by our praise team and contemporary worship band.


Here at Woodland we have plenty of ways for you to serve, but we know that some people in our congregation are already serving outside the church and in the community in many ways. 

Let us know how YOU serve others!

How do you serve?

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